I Miss You

By orangemitrada - 10.5.16

  • Rinjani, 2015

  • It’s funny how even friendships you thought were for life, change in unexpected ways. We were best friends and then we grew up and grew apart. I miss you though. I miss being able to fight with you and sort out “issues” then and there.
    I miss the time when we didn’t really have to worry about boundaries and offending each other. Now we are too grown up for those things, right? Now we are supposed to give each other space, we walk on egg shells around each other. You don’t ask me anything any more for fear of upsetting me. 
    You don’t understand me and now you don’t even want to, you don’t even try. I’m too much for you to handle now. We were best friends and then we grew up; I got lost in depression and you made your world in which I don't fit any longer. 
    And to say all this aloud, makes me sound like a loser, like I’m jealous of you. Because you seem to have everything I don’t. But I’m not jealous. I just miss you, the old you. I miss us. And I’m mad about the fact that we can no longer talk about it, because you won’t ever understand what I want to say now. I miss you.

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