The Girl who Fell in Love with the Moon

By orangemitrada - 26.10.16

The Girl who Fell in Love the Moon adalah perihal obsesi manusia kepada langit, keingintahuan yang besar atas rahasia yang luas dan hitam di dalamnya. The Human Zoo Theatre Company (which is Sang Penampil) memadukan cerita, puisi, tari dan musik ke dalam imajinasi visual. Pemirsa akan dibawa ke dalam ruang yang tertata rapi, untuk melihat  sebuah kekacauan dari kisah tragis seorang perempuan bernama Luna. Kisah ini ditulis dengan sangat segar  dan unik dengan menyerap khazanah mitologi. sejarah dan cerita rakyat.

Performers: The Human Zoo Theatre Company (UK)
Artistic Director: Florence O'Mahony

12 Oktober lalu pertama kali ke Teater Salihara! Akhirnya.. Setelah sekian lama hanya dengar namanya dari teman-teman. Pulang kerja langsung menuju tempatnya di bilangan Pasar Minggu, berharap tidak terjebak macet yang berlebihan. Dilarang merekam atau mengambil gambar selama pertunjukkan berlangsung, jadi sama sekali tidak bisa di-share bagaimana isinya pertunjukkan. Mungkin memang harus lihat sendiri supaya spesial. Pertunjukkan ini berbahasa Inggris, sungguh menyiksa. Biasa lihat film pakai sub title soalnya. Tidak sedikir part yang membuat saya cuma bengong-bengong bego atau telat ngerti di saat jalan cerita udah jauh ke depan. Hehe. Tapi overall saya sangat terhibur dengan cerita ini. (Untung saya udah baca sinopsis ceritanya di selebaran yang dibagikan penyelenggara). Para pemain dengan pintarnya mencuri perhatian di setiap segmen yang ada. Tidak hanya drama, tapi juga suguhan secara keseluruhan. Cahaya, warna-warna, suara-suara, dan ragam instrumen musik yang dibunyikan. Kegiatan positif di suatu hari Selasa di kota Jakarta. 
Salihara juga menyediakan kantin dan tempat sholat yang nyaman, selain keindahan arsitektur dan interiornya. Jadi tetap merasa tenang kalaupun kebetulan waktu sholat datang. Dengan pengalaman kali ini ada pelajaran yang berharga banget. Tandanya saya harus banyak latihan lagi mendengarkan, membaca, dan bicara dalam bahasa Inggris. Mungkin lain kali saya akan datang ke acara seperti ini lagi di kemudian hari. Hihi.

About Synopsis
Luna's troupe are on their way to a performance at Salihara, but their car has broken and they are very, very lost. Luna insists that they continue the performance anyway, in the middle of a forest in front of 'absolutely no audience' and so the performance unfolds.

Scarlet: Scarlet the Starlet
Scarlet wants to visit the stars, she loves the way they shine and sparkle so brightly. Only nobody can help her on her journey. She ends up amongst the 'stars' in Hollywood, instead of in outer space, and goes on a desperate adventure to visit the stars by any means possible.

Clive: The Man With His Head in The Clouds
Clive has always loved gathering facts and information about useless topics. His wife says that his 'head is in the clouds'. He wants to fill his brain with information, but when he discovers a computer and Google, his head becomes too full!

Jack: The Untold Tale
Luna and her troupe don't know Jack's story, and they have never bothered to ask him! It turns out that Jack may have been the closest to the sky they each hope to reach...could it be that Jack is not really a human being?!

Selena: The Girl who Wanted to Reach the Sun
Selena lives on beautiful island with all of her animal friends. Only, she is always unhappy because she wishes to be closer to the sun. She goes on a long, long journey, hoping to reach the sun before it disappears! Could a strange crow help her on her quest?

Luna: The Girl who Fell in Love with the Moon
Luna has never told her friends this story, until tonight. As Luna's tragic tale unravels, she helps her friends to understand what she has been waiting for all these years. She used to love looking up at the man in the moon, but as she 'grew older she grew bolder, she grew, and she no longer loved the moon anymore', until one evening, she goes on her rooftop to view a meteor shower, and comes across a strangely familiar visitor.

Sungguh senang dan ingin kembali

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